hyebun.kr is unavailable

I don’t know that maybe i live korea or i live outside of korea I had to buy domain on GoDaddy (that i saw on tv) but i had only pick hyebun.vn instead so i plan for 2021 yey Hyebun.ph is only 3179 pesos but i can’t buy it or hyebun.kr is only 1057 pesosContinue reading “hyebun.kr is unavailable”

Hyebun Responds to Youtube Comment Bots

Somehow every stupid youtube spam comments on each videos so i am protecting my comment as temporary disable my on each videos I had to protect your channel by disable comments or delete that spam comments If you want to talk with me so join my kakaotalk chat for hangout and more https://open.kakao.com/o/srBw7apc Well iContinue reading “Hyebun Responds to Youtube Comment Bots”

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