
This korean vlogger is now weird and even she is hides likes and dislikes i don’t think is this meaning of this guy The main reason why she is hide likes and dislikes because may cause by her channel or instagram account may hacked

Hyebun’s time capsule

i have a 1st plan for my time capsule and opens on 2029 10 years anniversary of Channel join date of Brandt X EnderBoss and in 2029 my age in 2029 is 22 i put in time capsule at my usb flash drive My Favorite Creators are Puuung, Haegreendal and Maangchi My 2021 Roblox avatarContinue reading “Hyebun’s time capsule”

Put your qr code by adding on your own videos or photo

How i did made scanning by using naver app i say yes put your qr code in your video or photo this is commonly used on television You can scan it without qr code scanner in your phone if you using pc Go to website to start using qr code scanned by upload image https://www.ginifab.com/feeds/qr_code/qr_code_scanner.html

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